Product Liability -- active
City of New York v. BP
(2nd Circuit)
Opposing misguided public nuisance lawsuits
The NAM filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to oppose misguided efforts to impose “public nuisance” liability on energy manufacturers. The city of New York sued several energy companies to seek damages for local impacts of climate change, arguing that the defendants’ sale of fossil fuels is a public nuisance that entitles the city to financial compensation. This theory of liability poses a grave risk for manufacturers because it would impose liability on manufacturers despite a plaintiff’s inability to prove the manufacturer actually caused the plaintiff’s injuries. A federal district court dismissed the lawsuit. On appeal to the Second Circuit, the NAM’s amicus brief explains how Supreme Court precedent forecloses such lawsuits by recognizing the federal legislature as the appropriate branch of government to set national energy policy, including addressing climate change. Our brief also highlights the extensive technological innovations that manufacturers have already deployed to reduce carbon emissions, and which they will continue to pursue to address climate change and other environmental challenges.
Related Documents: NAM brief (February 14, 2019)