Labor Law -- 2019

Busk v. Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc.   (U.S. Supreme Court)

Compensation for security screenings

The NAM filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court urging review of a lower court decision that Nevada and Arizona employers were obligated to compensate warehouse workers for time spent going through security screenings at the end of the day. That decision identified a federal standard for compensable “work” under the Fair Labor Standards Act independent of the Portal to Portal Act; the court held that Nevada and Arizona did not have to take the Portal to Portal Act into account because neither state adopted the Act. If allowed to stand, that decision would have adverse consequences for businesses who would incur significant liability from the opportunistic plaintiffs’ bar or significant costs in revamping their procedures to try to avoid liability. The NAM’s brief argued that the decision undermines Supreme Court precedent and that it will invite significant financial implications for employers across the country. On October 7, 2019, the court denied certiorari.

Related Documents:
NAM brief  (April 5, 2019)